My Bossy CEO Husband Novel

My Bossy CEO Husband Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

My Bossy CEO Husband Novel is about Rachel was dumbfounded when she realized she was betrothed to someone she does not know but after realizing it is her father’s last wish, she has no choice but to get married to the unknown person. Unknown to her, her betrothed is none other than her bossy CEO at work who is bent on getting her fired.

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Synopsis of My Bossy CEO Husband Novel

Pregnancy Slap! Wendy Finch was smacked in the face. Her skin tingled with pain and her head buzzed.
She staggered a few steps back, one hand instinctively covering her bulging belly while the
other one held her swollen cheek.
“Wendy, you heartless bitch! How dare you do this to Eris?!
You’ve always been against us ever since my daughter and I became part of this family. To think that you would resort to hurting Eris with a knife…
If anything bad happens to my daughter, I will never forgive you, Wendy
Finch! “Cacia Brown turned away then and walked to the living room. She crouched to the floor and held her bleeding daughter.” It’s not my fault! I didn’t do anything!”
Wendy clutched at Brian Oliver’s sleeve as though it were her last lifeline. “Brian, trust me, please! I didn’t do it!” “Didn’t you?”
Brian asked, shaking her off and glaring at her with burning eyes. “There was nobody else in here besides the two of you!
Are you saying that Eris hurt herself on purpose?”
“But she did! She stabbed herself!” “You bitch! Go to hell

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 1 – 121

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 122 – 131

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 132 – 136

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 137 – 154

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 155 – 170

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 171 – 185

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 186 – 208

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 209 – 225

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 226 – 250

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 251 – 275

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 276 – 300

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 301 -322

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 323 – 327

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 328 – 332

My Bossy CEO Husband Chapter 333 – 337

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